First Federation Trust
We have several members of staff who have been trained to use the Boxall profile, and offer sessions for children either individually, or in nurture groups.
Teachers, and/or parents, are welcome to put forward any concerns they may have about a child. After discussions with other members of staff and assessment using the online system, we would hope to be able to offer support. However, our resources are finite and we may have to prioritise.
The Boxall profile is made up of a two-part checklist. This checklist, which is completed by staff who know the child and young person best, is quick — and, very importantly, identifies the levels of skills the children and young people possess to access learning. Many children in school are insecure about their worth, often not able to articulate their feelings. Instead they show their discomfort by withdrawal, achieving much less than they could, not making good relationships.
Others may act out their feelings of anger and failure by minor or major acts of disrupting the progress of others. Whatever the behaviour, the result is that they do not get positively engaged in education. Understanding what lies behind this can make all teachers much more confident in their class management, which is where the Boxall Profile comes in.
Once we have identified the underlying issues, a program of support is planned which will be delivered usually over a half-term. As Boxall profile is not a very child-friendly name, we are calling our sessions “Buddies” and have renamed the Thrive Room, “The Den”.
Our PTFA are currently fundraising to completely transform “The Den” into a space which the children will find exciting. Please support their work as it is really important and will benefit many of the children in the school.