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Sharman - Foundation Stage &Yr 1 - Miss Senior

Welcome to the Sharman class page! Sharman are taught by Miss Senior for most of the week. On Friday afternoons, Mrs Abbott teaches them. Miss Wyatt, Miss Burchett, Mrs Doidge and Miss Weston also help Sharman class with their learning. Keep scrolling down to find some information and pictures about our learning.

PE Days

This term, our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday's Sharman class are extremely lucky as Tallen teaches our PE session.

Please make sure that children have their kit ready for Wednesday's PE session.

Home Learning Expectations

In Reception and Year 1, the expectation is that children complete:

10 minutes of reading a day/night. This can be either their reading for pleasure book or their phonetically decodable book.  Children need to re-read books in order to improve their word recognition and fluency. 

Use Numbots for at least 10 minutes a week.

Please see the home learning task sheet attached below.

Children are rewarded for completing Home Learning by being given Dojos.


Sharman Class also have a reading challenge. Every time they read at home they get a star sticker on their chart. When the chart is complete, they get to choose a prize from the special star reading box. ⭐

Useful Resources

Still image for this video
Here is the recording of the Parent Phonics Workshop.

Sounds-Write Initial Code

Here is a short video of how to pronounce the sounds of the English alphabet as taught in the Sounds-Write programme we will be using in school.
Uploaded by Sounds-Write on 2017-08-29.
