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Larkin- Year 4/5- Mrs Hudson and Mrs Pike

Welcome to the Larkin class page! Larkin are taught by Mrs Hudson and Mrs Pike. Mr Bemister also teaches us every 2 out of 3 Wednesday afternoons, and Mrs Abbot teaches us on 1 Thursday afternoon out of 3. Miss Weston help Larkin with their learning. Keep scrolling down to find some information and pictures about our learning.

Curriculum Overview and Home learning



Every day, we have an English lesson, a Maths lesson, Reading Masters (Reading skills), Number Masters (Number Fluency Practice) and our wider curriculum consisting of Science, Geography, History, RE, PSHE, Art, ICT, Design Technology, PE and French. 


Larkin Class have Forest School on Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that your children have suitable clothing which you don't mind getting wet and muddy as we will be outside whatever the weather.  Currently in the Spring Term there is no Forest School.



Larkin Class have PE on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  Children should bring their PE kit to school on Monday and take it home on Friday to be washed.  Please ensure children have trainers in their kit.  

Our Learning

Home Learning Expectations

It is expected that all children will be reading each evening from their school reading book.  They should aim to complete at least one quiz in school each week. 


They should also be logging in regularly (we recommend 3 times a week) to both Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed.

