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Friends of the School

Hello from the Friends of Bere Alston School!

We are a charity run completely by parents and carer volunteers to raise vital extra funds for the school.

We are a positive bunch who want to get the most out of our great village school. Coming from all sorts of livelihoods and backgrounds, we offer up our time and skills as and when we can with a strict motto of ‘keeping it fun’! Being part of Friends of School doesn’t mean you have to attend meetings or commit to any events. There are many ways you can lend a hand.

As well as organising in-school fundraisers, we aim to be the link between the school and the wider village community. We host events such as Family Quizzes, Bingo and the legendary Easter Bake Sale!

The funds we’ve raised have subsidised school trips and travel, paid for swimming lessons, funded workshops, helped purchase all important extra equipment for classrooms and outdoor learning and, most recently, furnished a new outdoor storytelling area.  The more we can raise, the better the school experience is for the children, and we all know that happy children make for happy grown ups!
Please follow us on Facebook (Bere Alston Primary - Friends of the School). This will detail when our next informal meet-up is. Along with evening meet-ups we have daytime 'drop-in' catch ups so we can include as many people as possible.
We’re always looking to welcome new faces and new ideas so why not pop along and say hello.

The Friends of Bere Alston School Committee

PS- Don’t forget to pop any spare change into our bright yellow collecting pots in the village shops..every penny helps!

Next Meeting



Forthcoming Fundraising Events

